Religion, Arts and Science – Why are branches of the same tree?

December 24, 2016 | By admin655 | Filed in: Uncategorized.

all human creations can be broadly divided into three categories, namely science, religion and art. all human skill or mastery art mentioned in the beginning. However, during the Romantic period in art, separate from the other two main branches of human creation, that science and religion. Arts, science and religion have been considered different fields that have nothing in common.

Albert Einstein said: "In all religions, arts and sciences branches of the same tree." We do not know why? After all, religion is based on faith who do not have proof. Science is based on the fact that you need to prove. Art related to human emotions and require no faith, no evidence, as we know, it is an object of fiction, or created purely the imagination of the human mind.

Art: An Imagination that needs the emotional experience

is extremely difficult to define art. Art, fortunately, the work of the human imagination and creativity that is free of all ties and test. The only reason why it is considered a given music is an art that appeals to the listener. The test of a good painting appreciation of the viewers. No logic, reason or justification is required to be called an art as good as the only condition is that you have to understand the people.

Although both science and religion claims to factual reality and representation, art has no qualm to admit that this is nothing more than a fiction. In fact, some art films and novels clearly state that these fictitious and any similarity to the facts or reality merely a coincidence. Literature, other art forms, like all fiction, officially known as the novel and the story is fictional, which are created only by human imagination.

Thus, an essential feature is that the art is not a depiction of fact or reality. Even a good movie or a story you cry, you will increase your heart rate, laughter and makes you forget that it is not the reality. The impact of good art is nothing more than that reality is created.

The most interesting thing in art that affects your emotions, and not the mind. While reading a thriller like "The Da Vinci Code, your mind can pretty much put everything in the novel is fiction, but if you just can not control your emotions, which arises in the reader when reading a true story of the characters in the real situation. created a typical fiction, the characters and situations by the imagination of the author, it seems very real. fiction, so it's not a job for all fantasy, but it is a lot of facts and reality that fiction than reality.

it can be compared to a painting of a beautiful girl. she may be imaginary, but it features a girl with a close resemblance to the real girls. the colors of the painting is real, which may not be exactly the same as in real life girl It gives the impression of a real girl when woven into the imagination of the viewer. an artist creates the physical reality, but the soul of reality comes from the imagination of the viewer, who pours his own soul in the art. Therefore, when the novel to read in a million man, every man to imagine the characters and the situation in their own imagination.

Thus, an art is created in the imagination of the artist, which asks that the emotions of other people. The real test is the test of truth in art is not (how close he is Truth), but look how much truth. The study of art is not in evidence, but how the reader perceives the truth from fiction. To convey the true message in the guise of imaginative characters and the situation itself is an art that is only understood by the artists. If art does not affect the heart (emotion) people, I can not say that a good art.

Science: An Imagination, you need physical evidence

Science is the knowledge that is created by the imagination (hypothesis) of the human mind, but can be checked relevant facts and evidence. The scientist observes the phenomenon in general, it is assumed explanation for this phenomenon, the logical consequence of the pre-guessing, test the prediction and the review for possible errors. Thus the origin of science is assumed to be a scientist, that after an observation. A critical study of science meets the physical evidence.

hypothesis is nothing more than a fantasy of scientists. Thus, any scientific theory as the origin of art finds the imagination of the human mind. However, the subject matter of science and truth to test physical evidence. For example, if E = mc2 was not possible to verify the experiments, scientists have discarded the theory of relativity, Einstein, whether it is a sound argument or theory.

Religion: imagination, that evidence needs Social

The religion often refers to organized religions and beliefs with regard to the spiritual or metaphysical world. The concept of religion may or may not have the concept of God. All religions, but there are a few common belief, rituals that are required to be followed by the followers.

The religion is a strange mixture of science and art. The followers of the religion to be absolutely sure of the truth of scriptures, while other people often find invented. However, unlike the arts, where artists always tell people that the creation of the art of the imagination, the prophets or the originator of the religion is often called evangelical truth is they have acquired directly from God ..

Therefore, religions like art and science also seems to come from the human imagination. Often, the creators of the famous prophets, the Son of God, who acquired knowledge directly from God or Spirit. For example, the Bible and the Quran is considered to be God's revelation to the Prophets and believe that God's words. Gita believe that the words of Lord Krishna. However, some religions like Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism are thought to come from mortal man, even a follower of religions often try to magnify their status to the level of deity call Mahavir Jain and Buddha is not the ordinary people but avatars, or the incarnation of God and execution of statues, like God.

One Tree many branches

Clearly, the source of all art, science and religion, the imagination of the human mind. However, various human imagination for names like fiction, hypothesis or revelation, depending on the establishment. When Newton saw the apple falling from the tree, imagining the force of gravity to attract the apple towards the ground. Galileo's heliocentric theory formed the basis of the solar system's imagination to the earth's orbit around the Sun. This is an extraordinary imagination, that too was in the perception of the senses. There was no special sense, and to see how it circulated in a small (seemingly) V Einstein believed that any movement of the planets is only relative, or a light is both a particle and a wave based on the imagination of vast land around it.

Yet no one knows why this fantasy arose in the minds of these individuals selected. Is it the desire of God manifest the truth of these people? Or just the desire of people to discover the truth that the driver of such fantasy? The first hypothesis is that it gives you a believer or religious people. However, if we assume the truth of the second hypothesis, the question remains as to why such a desire arose those individuals that finally culminated in such an extraordinary imagination?

Body mind and soul

Almost all religions and spiritual people believe in the existence of body, mind, soul and spirit (or God). However, science does not believe in anything other than the body, because it sees more of the mind than the body part (brain) and explain your thoughts in terms of bio-chemicals. These terms and explains the different religions. Gita (III, 42) explains the relationship between the body, mind, soul and spirit of these words.

The senses are superior to the body. Above the senses, the mind, the list of the mind of the soul (individual intelligence) and above the soul is God (Universal Intelligence or Spirit). Based on
this theory, we find that there are four levels of evolution in human thought. A person can "see" the world differently depending on the "stage" for his development.

Eyes Body: The first level evolution at the level of the body. At this level, we see the world through the eyes of the physical body. This capability is common to all animals in the world than any man in the eyes of the body. At this stage, I believe when I see it.

Eyes of the Mind: The following level of evolution, we see the world through the eyes of the mind, that is the logic and reasoning. We believe that all things in the world can be explained by the mind. We not only see that in front of us, but you can not see the physical eyes. For example, you see a car move, you know that you need the car driver. This is the stage when you see what you believe.

Eyes of the Soul: The Next Level evolution is reached when we see the limitations of logic to explain the world. Then we try to understand the world from their own ideas and experiences. The wise people have always thought that to know the world, you should know that on their own. At this stage, one would think, "Hmm Brahmasm" (I am the universe). As Upanishads rightly found thousands of years ago.

Because the human body, so cosmic body

Just as the human mind, so the cosmic mind

Because the microcosm, so the macrocosm

S Radhakrshnan, one of the greatest Indian philosophers of modern science with the concept of the world inside with the words

philosophical attempt to determine the nature of reality begin even thinking about himself or the object of thought. In India, the interest in philosophy is an independent person. .. India 'Atmanam viddhi "Know an independent, sums up the Law and the Prophets. The man of the spirit, which is in the middle of everything.

In this regard, even the West is not very different ideas. Socrates said

"You can not teach a person a thing. Just help him discover it himself."

Man is capable of truth or reveal secrets of the universe that is not visible to the eye or mind and senses do not understand the logic. These truths, which are available in art, religion and science. We know that we want to help a crying child or bad without knowing any logic and found that others think the same way. We cry when we see injustice, and we know that this is a universal desire of man. As we know ourselves that the universe

eyes of the spirit: If a person develops a spirit level, you know that the whole world is like an extension of himself. The constraints of time and space cease to exist in the soul receives a spirit of universal soul and spirit. From here you understand God's mind or deep secrets of nature. All great imagination and classics are created only one person can achieve in the final stages of development. At this level, the soul rises to the level of the spirit and the people move far away from the material body. However, this section is not constant, as the man quickly brought back to the world, the forces of the material world. Even in this process, get the thoughts of God. This is the highest public imagination and discover God's mind at this stage.

translation of divine knowledge in the world

If anyone knows the thoughts of God or the deepest secrets of the universe, the difficulty is how to make the world believe that what people saw in the eyes of the spirit? His ideas seem stupid to the world because they are unique, but it is not clear that the ordinary person.

One way to convince the truth is that fancy words or other art forms such as fiction, film, visual arts, music, poetry, etc. If there is one universal truth in this field, affecting the souls of other people will find the truths in these fictions, even if it can be proven. The characters and the situation can be imagined in fiction, but the truth can be achieved in the art in the eyes of the soul. Thus, an art is nothing more than the truth that can not be explained by logic or reason. Thus art is a way of expression truths that are not provable logical or scientific proof, but it must be implemented on the heart and the emotions of the viewer.

However, this does not mean that art is not a logic or evidence. No person shall adopt illogical idea of ​​art. If the movies or fiction devoid of logic, people will never accept it. But the artist is not required to give a logic to what he says or not, nor to prove it.

religious principles is required to prove to the society. Therefore, it is tougher conditions for acceptance. In truth, religion is to be tested with real people. In most cases, the prophets and gurus themselves provide evidence of the truth they apply themselves and satisfy your curiosity to give satisfactory answers provided by others, doubts. Mohammad or Jesus' life is a proof that they were the real truth and acceptable to society. The same can be said of the Buddha and Jain Guru Nanak, and thus the originators of many sects. Imagine if the Buddha would have said the same things while he was a thief or dacoit. Nobody listened to his words. So religion is waived.

If the religious claims of supernatural and metaphysical implications, people expect miracles of the prophets and gurus. But such miracles are waiting religions that are based on logic, namely Buddhism and Jainism. So the truth of the religion of the people to be tested over time. Only when religion has been tested for a long time, people have adopted as a matter of faith. Faith is not the cause of religion, but also the consequence of the truth.

The truth of religion applied to society, so society must be convinced by a stronger, better and more harmonious. It is a historical fact that Christianity, Islam and Hinduism do not play an important role in the integration of large numbers of people in Europe, the Middle East and the Indian subcontinents and made stronger after, richer and happier.

A scientific theory is to begin a fantasy or a hypothesis by scientists. However, a scientist has to convince the world by providing tangible proof of the theory. This may be in the form of experiments or in the form of logic. Yet tangible evidence is the essence of science. For example, though, Einstein gave the special theory of relativity in 1905 and general theory of relativity in 1916, under which it is predicted the bending of starlight in the vicinity of a massive body like the Sun, but his hypothesis was confirmed only in 1919 during the eclipse of the sun is only then, the scientific community has accepted the theories and awarded him the noble prize in the photoelectric paper, which was written in 1905 has been the subject of truth in matters of science, so we need to investigate the matter.


Arts, science and religion find their origin imagination of the human mind. Yet all our imagination can not be true. Therefore, any imagination, time-tested before it adopts the world. So these are the branches of the same tree as Einstein rightly said, as they represent the truth, the secret thoughts of God or the universe to those of the human mind to the imagination.

Source by Dr Awdhesh Singh

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